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How Covid-19 is impacting our community

    Covid-19 is severely impacting Cambodians due to its economic consequences, putting further strain on the health and well-being of many of Cambodia’s poorest families. In 2019, 30% of Cambodia’s GDP was from the tourist industry. Tourism has now dropped by more than 90% leaving many families without any source of reliable income. The country anxiously awaits the development and nationwide distribution of a vaccine that will allow it to get back on track. Meanwhile, food insecurity and loss of access to healthcare are growing problems.

    Chenla staff members have received refresher training in pandemic preparedness. As with all healthcare workers, they have added stress with each patient encounter and take precautions to not catch or spread the virus. While taking care of the sickest children in the region is always stressful, Covid has added further to the challenges faced by the Chenla team.

    With your support we can ensure that our team is able to continue to provide the best care to Cambodian children who need it most.